The words are worth gold

We live in a time where the means of communication are numerous, where the information is instantaneous. Data travels so fast that we sometimes lose our bearings, and in some cases, our cultural identity. In this bipolar world where we only reason in market shares, the words are worth gold.

Companies sometimes have trouble knowing what language to speak when their business is growing internationally. However, everyone agrees that languages ​​play an important role in trade: to penetrate markets, to have effective contacts with suppliers or more simply to know each other, or to promote our openness to the world. This low-valued skill is an integral part of who we are, our DNA, it carries our values, but also those of our organizations.

One often makes “do-it-yourself” by turning to so-called bilingual employees or to tools of translation such as Google Translate, by ease or by economy, whereas the language remains a criterion of differentiation, that it conveys the thought and our corporate culture, considering that poor written or oral expression does not prevent the sale of a product.

Tomorrow’s companies will have to manage multicultural teams and as the language unifies and disunites, it seems important to include linguistics in the development strategy of a company as a project in its own right, to plan, coordinate, to structure an internationalization, but also in the daily management.

Translators have an important role to play in supporting the world of tomorrow. In the heart of the global village, they are the hinge between languages, peoples and civilizations.


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